
CALL Reading Reaction Journal 2

Reaction to The Owl and the Pussy Cat

Ⅰ. Summary

the poem I chose to summarize and react to is The Owl and the Pussy Cat by Edward Lear. The poem is very cute what is a story of the owl and the cat. The poem is that the owl gives the cat a love song.

Ⅱ. Reaction

1.  Imagery

This is a poem that it can imagine that a prety animal sings love song.

2. Character

The character of this poem is the owl and a cat.

3. Theme

The poem's theme is "the Owl and the Pussy Cat."

CALL Literary Reaction Journal 1

Reaction to Yesterday Is History


The poem I chose to summarize and react is Yesterday is History by Emily Dickinson. This poem seems to have deep contents because it seems to express the word yesterday by using other words such as philosophy. This poem tells us that yesterday is a mysterious thing and it is difficult for us to define what it means for us.

II. Reaction

1. Theme
The poem's theme is "Yesterday is History."

The poem uses mataphor.For example, yesterday is History. Or yesterday is Poety.

3. Rhyme
The poem is written with rhythm of "Yesterday is ~."

III. General Opinion
Though it is short, this poem is very deep. Therefore I like this poem.